What is an Uranus?
Uranus is a Linux firewalld central controller. In Greek mythology, Uranus king of gods. The firewall gateway is the Uranus for iptables.
Hardware requirements
We recommend these hardware requirements for production systems or for development systems that are designed to demonstrate production use cases:
Item | Description | Minimum requirements | Recommended |
Per instance | You can install on one node but many features require at least one node. | 1 instance | > 1 instances |
RAM per instance | Defining your RAM size must be part of the capacity planning for your Uranus usage. | 512 Mb | >= 1GB |
Persistent Storage | The amount of storage space for each node. | 1 GB | >= 10GB |
Software requirements
Item | Description | Recommended |
OS / Platform | Linux, Kubernetes | Debian 11 Centos 7 |
Firewalld | 0.6.3 0.9.2 | Centos 7 default version Debian 11 default version |
Build and run Uranus
Setup an Uranus with Binary mode
Build and run Uranus backend
Frist time you need migrate database
Inital API Doc
Run Uranus
Setup Uranus frontend
Install Nginx
Configure nginx
Create fw.conf in conf.d directory
Copy dist directory to /var/run/
Start nginx
Setup an Uranus with Docker
build docker image
Build image
Notes: this mode default using sqlite, so if you want use external database, please change config file, then build image
Setup firewalld
Default, we provide 2 version firewalld variant version
- Centos 7 or Centos 6
- Debian 11
You can download and install those firewalld vesion in you Linux
Centos 7
Debian 11
Enable dbug remote mode
Edit /etc/dbus-1/system.conf
Enable dbus tcp port
Edit /usr/lib/systemd/system/dbus.socket
Description=D-Bus System Message Bus Socket
ListenStream=55556 # <- Add this
Reload service
Edit /etc/dbus-1/system.conf
Edit /usr/lib/systemd/system/dbus.socket
Description=D-Bus System Message Bus Socket
# Add this part
Add managed firewalld Linux host to Uranus
Add host